Friday, December 28, 2007
Someone is going to be jealous!
Friday, December 21, 2007
35 Week Belly Shot
Here is 35 weeks exactly! From the side it looks like my Belly Button is popped out. It isn't, that little bump is just the top flap sticking out a little bit.
We had a Dr. Appointment today. All is well. I've gained 4 lbs, but, I think that it is at least 2 pounds of water. If you look at my feet....they are nice! The top picture is "normal" feet. The bottom picture is my "cankles", as Matt likes to call them.
I can't believe that my countdown to the due date will be in DAYS, not Months very soon! It doesn't seem
time should be going so fast!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Baking at the Hartke House
This year, I decided to go domestic, and bake! I thought since we are on a tight budget, it would be nice to make some little treat baskets to share with out friends. So, today Matt baked his world famous Chocolate Chip Cookies, but they came out a little flat. He blames the butter. I baked 4 dozen Gingersnaps, but the shortening was bad and they tasted HORRIBLE (and smelled bad too). So, I made 4 dozen more with a new recipe that used butter instead of shortening, and they are quite yummy! I also made 4 dozen Snickerdoodles, two batches of chocolate fudge, two batches of chex mix (I had accidentally turned the oven off on the first batch, so it was a little soggy). As a special request from Matt, I also made some Peanut Brittle. Surprisingly, it's pretty good...even though I had to heat it to 290 degrees when my candy thermometer only goes to 22o...I had to guess.
I finally got tired of baking for the day, so all that's left tomorrow is caramels, and maybe some peanut butter fudge.
Next year, I might start baking sooner. It's been a long day.
I finally got tired of baking for the day, so all that's left tomorrow is caramels, and maybe some peanut butter fudge.
Next year, I might start baking sooner. It's been a long day.
Friday, December 07, 2007
33 Week Belly Shot and some thoughts
Jeremy just started having hiccups a few days ago. Hiccup movement is somewhat annoying, since it happens every 3 seconds! But, Matt thinks it is funny to watch my belly jump. He still moves around a lot, and now you can even see it right through my shirt. I am just so excited to see him move around in our arms!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Turkey Day! (and 31 week belly shot)
Friday, November 09, 2007
29 Week Belly....for Linda
Okay, here is 29 weeks! I thought I'd add a front shott you can see my little brown line. AND, my belly button is still IN! Even though it isn't as deep as it used to be :) I have gained 8 pounds so far. The Dr. thought that was a little low, but nothing to be concerned about. I might need to put my head on there sometime, but my head isn't as cute as my belly :)
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
3-hour test...PASSED!

I passed the 3-hour GTT test! No problems at all. I'm quite releived about this. I was worried as I read up more and more on Gestational Diabetes. It doesn't sound like fun at all. Hopefully the rest of the pregnancy will continue to be smooth sailing, and before we know it, Jeremy will be here!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
GTT test...FAILED!
So, Monday I went for my GTT test (Glucose Tolerance Test) to check for Gestational Diabetes. Those of you who have been pregnant before, I'm sure you are familiar with this test. Those who haven't, you basically have to drink this super sugared drink (mine was like Hawaiian Punch) then have a blood test an hour later to check your sugar levels.
The Doctor called yesterday and told Matt that my sugar level was "extrememly high", so now I have to go do another 3 hour test today. That is 3 hours of sitting in a Doctor's office! Not my idea of fun for the day. Hopefully I studied better this time and pass the test!
The Doctor called yesterday and told Matt that my sugar level was "extrememly high", so now I have to go do another 3 hour test today. That is 3 hours of sitting in a Doctor's office! Not my idea of fun for the day. Hopefully I studied better this time and pass the test!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
The Nursery is painted
My Grandparents came over today and we painted our nursery. It looks FANTASTIC! We haven't got the furniture arranged yet, but we still have time for that.
This border is actually my 2nd choice of border, but, it cost 1/2 as much as my 1st choice. It prepasted and you just pull the back off and stick it on. The first roll worked out quite well. The second roll was defective, so we had to return it and get another, which also turned out to be defective. There was only ONE roll left at the store, so we prayed that it would work, and it did.
I'm excited to start getting the rest of the nursery pulled together and have a baby to go in it!
Friday, October 12, 2007
25 Week Belly
Because Linda is such a belly is 25 weeks! I love watching my belly change! It's really strange when I stand up and it starts stretching further and further out b/c Jeremy is moving. How crazy! Occassionaly I can feel what I beleive to be a butt poking out. He's got a tiny little butt--hehe.
He still likes to hang out nice and low. I'm getting concerned that I'll be like one of those pregnant ladies who literally looks like a basketball is hiding under her shirt! So far, no stretch marks!! My mom doesn't have any, so maybe I have good genes :)
We are heading out to Matt's brother's wedding. Hopefully I can post some pictures from that (yes, with my head on them Julie T.!)
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Tums are my friend

Everyone, take stock in Tums! The heartburn has majorly kicked in. Now, I have never been a heartburn sufferer. And, as I am now finding out, it stinks! I woke up in the middle of the night last night, and was in some major discomfort. But, alas, my mother was thinking ahead and bought me some Tums. Ahhhhh....the relief. I love Tums. I think I might marry them :) They even taste pretty good going down.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
23 Week Belly Shot
Here is 23 weeks! Jeremy is growing like a little basketball! He's hanging out nice and low, jumping around on my bladder. I am waiting for the time that I pee my pants!
Overall I am feeling GREAT! I am a little tired, but, I think that is more due to having an extremely busy schedule than being pregnant. Jeremy wiggles around alot, and my favorite thing is to have my hands on my belly and feel the kicks inside and out! He rarely cooperates and moves when other people are around. Maybe he is a little shy.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
21 Week Belly Shot
Here it is. 21 weeks with a 22 week baby :) I forgot to weight myself this morning. I'll add the weight gain tomorrow.
I'm feeling more movements. My belly button hurts frequently. Still wearing my regular pants, they fall down, but the maternity ones REALLY fall down. Belts aren't comfortable when I sit, so I guess I should invest in some suspenders :) That would be fashionable.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
It's a....

Today was the BIG ultrasound!
The top picture is our beautiful baby, with a hand up by the mouth.
The second picture is the babies profile.
And the third picture is the money shot!! We are having a bounching baby BOY!!
We had already decided on names, so Jeremy Wade Hartke it will be! However, I don't feel that Jeremy is suitable for a baby, more a teenager, so I'm thinking J.J. for short. (Because the ORIGINAL Jeremy wants to call him Junior, so Jeremy Junior=J.J. Even though, technically, he isn't a Jr. But, we don't care)
He is measuring a full week ahead :O! And he is very long. But, that was too be expected as Matt and I are not small people. So, we will be pulling out all the sporting equipment early and training our kid so he can support us into our elderly years! :)
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Matt felt the baby move!
Last night when I got into bed, Baby was moving quite a bit. I usually put my hand on my belly so I would know when you could start feeling it from the outside. I felt the kick! So, I called Matt and he came and had his hand on my belly when the baby kicked again! Matt kinda freaked, he thought it was SO amazing!! It is only detectable from the outside right now when it is a big kick, so I can't wait until it is more obvious. Matt hasn't got to experience too much yet except watch me puke (well, not anymore) and hear the heartbeat when we go to the doctor. By the way, Matt has NEVER felt a baby move. When our friends were pregnant, he would tell them that the first baby he wants to feel move will be his. That's kinda cute.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Round Ligament Pain
Well, pregnancy sure has a lot of surprises for my body! I made it through the morning sickeness, and now moving on to ailment number 2, round ligament pain. It started Friday morning where it hurt to stand up and walk, and I had to hunch over while walking. Then again last night on our way out to dinner. It feels like a muscular type pain in my lower left abdomen. Supposedly it's normal and not much can be done about it but to try not to change positions too fast. Now it makes me nervous to stand up! But, I still love being pregnant :)
Thursday, August 30, 2007
19 week Belly Shot
Monday, August 27, 2007
Busy Busy Busy (Us and Baby)
Well, we are in the end stages of our move! I am living in a room full of boxes. I get them unpacked, then go back and fill them again! I hate moving!!! We have everything from our old house now, but our new apartment is MUCH smaller and I just can't seem to find the space for everything. We are having a BIG yard sale on Saturday, that will surely clear things out and bring in some money to buy more stuff :)
We had a Dr. appointment last week. Things are going well. Baby is very active, and the Doctor confirmed what I am feeling is most definately baby movement. I like to poke Matt when the baby pokes me. It is really an amazing feeling to know that there is another human hiding in my uterus and that it is moving all around! We find on on September 12th if it is a boy or a girl. I'm very excited for that appointment. We will have a 3-D u/s too, so hopefully we can get a good peek at our perfect little one.
I'll be updating with a new belly shot when I get my house in better order. I don't want everyone to see my mess!
We had a Dr. appointment last week. Things are going well. Baby is very active, and the Doctor confirmed what I am feeling is most definately baby movement. I like to poke Matt when the baby pokes me. It is really an amazing feeling to know that there is another human hiding in my uterus and that it is moving all around! We find on on September 12th if it is a boy or a girl. I'm very excited for that appointment. We will have a 3-D u/s too, so hopefully we can get a good peek at our perfect little one.
I'll be updating with a new belly shot when I get my house in better order. I don't want everyone to see my mess!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Feeling Movement?
How exciting it is getting! I'm starting to feel things that **might** be the baby!! For awhile now, on occasion, I would get little quivers in my abdomen. I couldn't quite decipher if it is just muscles or baby. Tonight I was sitting at the computer with my feet up, and twice I felt a poke. Still not sure if it's baby or something else. I am anxiously awaiting the OBVIOUS movement of my little one :)
Thursday, August 16, 2007
17 Week Belly Shot
Thursday, August 02, 2007
15 Week Belly Shot
Here is 15 weeks on the nose! As of Tuesday, I was down 5lbs. from what I was at 4 weeks. All my old clothing still fits, just the same. I admit, I did get some Maternity shorts, and they are just way more comfy than regular clothes, pregnant or not! I might just keeping buying Maternity clothes from now on :)
Sunday, July 29, 2007
One week free of MORNING SICNESS!
Okay, just a quick praise note here. I HAVEN'T PUKED IN A WHOLE WEEK!!
I have actually been feeling really well and my appetite is back to normal! Is it a fluke, or have we left the morning sickness with the first trimester! I am so thankful to at least be pregnant and have had the opportunity to experience all the glorius vomitting to go along with it, but, enough is enough and I'm glad that it is seemingly gone!
I have actually been feeling really well and my appetite is back to normal! Is it a fluke, or have we left the morning sickness with the first trimester! I am so thankful to at least be pregnant and have had the opportunity to experience all the glorius vomitting to go along with it, but, enough is enough and I'm glad that it is seemingly gone!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
13 Week Belly Shot
We had a dr. appointment yesterday. She prescribed some meds for me to stop vomiting (Phinigrin). The problem is that I took half a pill, and was OUT cold! So, it isn't something I'll be able to take when I have to go to work. We heard the heartbeat, it's still good and strong.
I love hearing the heartbeat. It makes it really "real" that there is something in there. Other than that and vomiting, nothing is different, yet.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
10 Week Belly Shot
Monday, June 25, 2007
Baby's First Picture

Oh, this is 9 weeks, 4 days.
Monday, June 18, 2007
8 Week 2 Days Belly Shot
Here it is! I still think it's just my usual fat that is hanging out there. I should have been measuring my belly. Maybe I'll start doing that now.
I went up 4 pounds, morning sickness hit and I lost 4 pounds, now I am back up 4 pounds. Maybe I'll just keep losing and dropping those same four pounds!
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Morning Sickness begins

Today Morning Sickness kicked in full force. I got up and ate breakfast, as usual. Went about my business of getting ready for church. Just as we were walking out the door, it hit me. I threw up in the grass.
This evening after we ate dinner and came home, hello again. I'm realizing, it comes on not too long after I eat. That's not good. A girl has to eat.
Fortunately for me, and Matt, I've never really minded puking. I just do it and get on with it. So, I won't complain too much. I've been waiting two years to feel this way, so, I'll do my best to enjoy it.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
First UltraSound~ Viability Scan
We had our viability scan today. And all was well. The baby was measuring at 5 weeks, 3 days. Ovulation calculations put us at 6 weeks. The Dr. said as long as baby measures within a week on either side, it's okay. We didn't get to keep the picture today, but we go back June 25th. Hopefully we can keep that one!
What I learned today:
I learned that pregnant women should NOT clean out the refridgerator. Matt offered to do it, after I was gagging over the trash can.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Bloodwork is very Positive
I had my first bloodwork done on Thursday, after we got a positive HPT. The checked my progesterone levels (which I did not get results from) and quantitative HCG. The HCG level was 158. That's pregnant!
I was scheduled for another one for Saturday (about 48 hours later). Just as a precaution, they do the second one to see that your numbers are going up. They should double every 48 hours. I was VERY nervous about this. I just kept thinking they would say, "we're sorry, but your level is only 50", which would be indicitive of miscarriage. I had this overwhelming sense of dread all day. However, I got my results and it was 338! That's GREAT news! Now, if I can just relax, and trust that God will care for the tiny baby. Not an easy task sometimes, but, I'll pray about it and we'll get through.
I was scheduled for another one for Saturday (about 48 hours later). Just as a precaution, they do the second one to see that your numbers are going up. They should double every 48 hours. I was VERY nervous about this. I just kept thinking they would say, "we're sorry, but your level is only 50", which would be indicitive of miscarriage. I had this overwhelming sense of dread all day. However, I got my results and it was 338! That's GREAT news! Now, if I can just relax, and trust that God will care for the tiny baby. Not an easy task sometimes, but, I'll pray about it and we'll get through.
Okay, here it is, the REFERENCE photo
Friday, May 18, 2007

Well, here it is. After praying so hard for so long, our prayers have been answered. We are still in SHOCK! I never thought that our first IUI would work. But, as you can see, it did!
The Doctor told us we could test on May 17th, but, I was going to hold out a little longer. I cracked, and POAS (that's Peed On A Stick) and thought I saw a faint line, so I decided I better try a different test. It was DEFINATELY a nice pink line. So, of course, we just had to have MORE proof, so we took the pretty digital that you see here. And, expected it to say, "not pregnant". When we turned it over and looked, we were just in shock and awe. WE are finally pregnant.
Now, going through the infertility journey we have, I know alot can go wrong. I pray so hard that this baby (or babies) stick and grow big and strong. Thank you God for answering our prayers!
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
IUI #1

We had our first IUI last Thursday. It has been quite a journey for us and the day came with much anxiety and excitement. On Tuesday before the IUI, we had an ultrasound to verify that my ovaries did their job (with the help of a friendly drug called Femara) and made some eggs. We had two very nice eggs, one on each ovary. They measured 22mm and 24mm.
That night, my Grandpa gave me a shot of HCG to trigger the release of my two mature eggs. (Matt was at a meeting, Grandma and Mom were chicken, so Grandpa got the honor of giving the shot in the butt!) The shot wasn't bad at all, I barely felt it.
Thursday morning, bright and early we went in for our insemination. It was not bad. Similiar to an annual exam. I had to remain laying on the table for 30 minutes, and the nurse set a little kitchen timer. The timers dial had a sperm on it! It was somewhat humorous.
So, now we wait. And wait. And wait some more. The waiting is already very hard, and it has only been 6 days!
We are sending up much prayer that at least one egg fertilized and implanted. I'm getting very impatient as we have just crossed our 2 years mark of trying.
That night, my Grandpa gave me a shot of HCG to trigger the release of my two mature eggs. (Matt was at a meeting, Grandma and Mom were chicken, so Grandpa got the honor of giving the shot in the butt!) The shot wasn't bad at all, I barely felt it.
Thursday morning, bright and early we went in for our insemination. It was not bad. Similiar to an annual exam. I had to remain laying on the table for 30 minutes, and the nurse set a little kitchen timer. The timers dial had a sperm on it! It was somewhat humorous.
So, now we wait. And wait. And wait some more. The waiting is already very hard, and it has only been 6 days!
We are sending up much prayer that at least one egg fertilized and implanted. I'm getting very impatient as we have just crossed our 2 years mark of trying.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
What do I think God meant when he gave me infertility
Couples experiencing infertility often receive well-meaning but extremely insensitive "advice." We can all list the most popular ones: "Just relax and you'll get pregnant," or "adopt and you'll get pregnant," or "things happen for a reason", of the most painful from those who think they've got the goods on God's plan, "Maybe God never meant for you to have children." The sheer audacity of making a statement like that never fails to amaze me.
"These same people would never walk up to someone seeking treatment for cancer and say, "Maybe God never meant for you to live." However, because I am infertile, I'm supposed to get on with my life. It's hard to understand that people can not see infertility for what it is, a disease for which I have to seek treatment. What if Jonas Salk had said to the parents of polio victims, "Maybe God meant for thousands of our children to be cripples, live in an iron lung or die." What if he'd never tried to find a cure? Who could think for one minute that that was God's plan?
"What do I think God meant when he gave me infertility?"
I think he meant for my husband and I to grow closer, become stronger, love deeper. I think God meant for us to find the fortitude within ourselves to get up every time infertility knocks us down. I think God meant for our medical community to discover medicines, invent medical equipment, create procedures and protocols. I think God meant for us to find a cure for infertility."
No, God never meant for me not to have children. That's not my destiny; that's just a fork in the road I'm on. I've been placed on the road less traveled, and, like it or not, I'm a better person for it. Clearly, God meant for me to develop more compassion, deeper courage, and greater inner strength on this journey to resolution, and I haven't let him down."
Frankly, if the truth be known, I think God has singled me out for a special treatment. I think God meant for me to build a thirst for a child so strong and so deep that when that baby is finally placed in my arms, it will be the longest, coolest, most refreshing drink I've ever known.
"While I would never choose infertility, I can not deny that a fertile woman could never know the joy that awaits me. Yes, one way or another, I will have a baby of my own. And the next time someone wants to offer me unsolicited advice I'll say, "Don't tell me what God meant when he handed me infertility. I already know."
(Excerpted from a post on - IVF Boards)
Title edited : because yes KATE, you're right, it is NOT the will of God for any woman to be childless. "I will take away sickness from among you, and none will miscarry or be barren in your land." Exodus 23:25-26
"These same people would never walk up to someone seeking treatment for cancer and say, "Maybe God never meant for you to live." However, because I am infertile, I'm supposed to get on with my life. It's hard to understand that people can not see infertility for what it is, a disease for which I have to seek treatment. What if Jonas Salk had said to the parents of polio victims, "Maybe God meant for thousands of our children to be cripples, live in an iron lung or die." What if he'd never tried to find a cure? Who could think for one minute that that was God's plan?
"What do I think God meant when he gave me infertility?"
I think he meant for my husband and I to grow closer, become stronger, love deeper. I think God meant for us to find the fortitude within ourselves to get up every time infertility knocks us down. I think God meant for our medical community to discover medicines, invent medical equipment, create procedures and protocols. I think God meant for us to find a cure for infertility."
No, God never meant for me not to have children. That's not my destiny; that's just a fork in the road I'm on. I've been placed on the road less traveled, and, like it or not, I'm a better person for it. Clearly, God meant for me to develop more compassion, deeper courage, and greater inner strength on this journey to resolution, and I haven't let him down."
Frankly, if the truth be known, I think God has singled me out for a special treatment. I think God meant for me to build a thirst for a child so strong and so deep that when that baby is finally placed in my arms, it will be the longest, coolest, most refreshing drink I've ever known.
"While I would never choose infertility, I can not deny that a fertile woman could never know the joy that awaits me. Yes, one way or another, I will have a baby of my own. And the next time someone wants to offer me unsolicited advice I'll say, "Don't tell me what God meant when he handed me infertility. I already know."
(Excerpted from a post on - IVF Boards)
Title edited : because yes KATE, you're right, it is NOT the will of God for any woman to be childless. "I will take away sickness from among you, and none will miscarry or be barren in your land." Exodus 23:25-26
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