Thursday, January 31, 2008

He's too cute not to share!

Jeremy has gained a COLOSSAL 1.5 pounds and has grown a full inch over the last week! As you can see from the is quite possible that he broke the cuteness scale when weighed.

After much anticipation and the plethora of questions about when Jeremy will make his public debute in cold Indiana, the date has been set! Jeremy will be baptized on February 10th after the 10:45 service (and Grandpa can do it!). The countdown is on...and now it is time for a diaper change.

Much love!


Saturday, January 19, 2008


Today was the big day...BATH DAY!!! After a good breakfast, Jeremy didn't know what to think about his new bathing experience. So what did he do? He had to think about it. Jeremy didn't cry ONE TIME. The trick to this new miraculous method of parenting perfection you ask?


(Mommy had to strike the Jeremy pose after it was all done)

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Thumb sucking and the first night...

Not real sure what to make of this...but, apparently Jeremy is part of the whole NEW AGE thumb sucking techniques. I (Matt) have learned that I am old. Where are the days of the "ball up your fist and stick the thumb in your mouth" method gone? Apparently, I have a lot to catch on to.

First at home night in the books. Was restless for the first half of the night. He didn't want to sleep in the cradle, so Misty took him to the family room where he slept on mommy for a couple hours. When Matt WOKE UP (fell asleep at the first feeding) and took Jeremy to the family room, he went to sleep for about 4 hours (after screaming for the first 30 minutes...but that was a test of will. Jeremy is already playing games with my emotions).

So...any advice out there on what Matt is supposed to do other than falling asleep on Misty as she feeds Jeremy? Problem is, after i fall asleep...i don't hear Jeremy scream for a couple hours unless I am holding him. Any dad (or CONSTRUCTIVE *aka* "not make fun of Matt because he snores"...chick) advice out there? Hook a brother up...

(Jeremy is still ridiculously cute)

Homecoming and siblings

We FINALLY were sent home on Wednesday (at about 4:30 in the PM). After much anticipation, Jeremy was introduced to his brother and sister. Tiger was curious, but not curious enough to care(still doesn't). Snowball...well...she wasn't all that excited about the whole screaming, attention grabbing, bundle of something smaller than her. She wasn't impressed.

Later on, Matt was able to hold Jeremy for a while. When Snowball saw this, she made her statement as to WHO was daddy's favorite. I haven't had the chance to talk to her that conversation will have to wait with Snowball.

(Snowball says hi Alli)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Jeremy Wade Hartke made his appearance on Monday, January 14th at 2:09am weighing in a 6 pounds, 15 ounces and measuring 19.5 inches. He is very strong (doc said so...but Matt was standing behind him so could have been due to intimidation) and is CUTE! Yup...we were worried about having the "not-so-cute" baby. But we didn't...he is officially cute!
Mom is doing well. In some pain, BUT she is one to stay on the legal drugs WAY before the pain hits. Jeremy and mommy had a rough night of getting used to the feeding frenzy...and the father figure slept through most of it (*edit...Misty says snoring) (**edit...Matt wants proof) (***edit...Jeremy has no comment)
Thanks for the prayers and love!

M&M (+J)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

38 Weeks!

38 Weeks today! Due date is only 14 days away, so really...we just wait! I started feeling significantly larger a few days ago, and now comparing this picture with last weeks picture, I think my shape has definitely changed about. I don't feel like Jeremy has dropped though, but something sure is different!

Friday, January 04, 2008

37 Week Belly Shot

Here is 37 weeks exactly!! I don't have anything exciting to add to this post, as I just posted the nursery pictures. Sorry.

Nursery Pictures

The nursery is complete! Here are some pictures I took to share. As you can see...Winnie the Pooh is the theme.

I'm not sure of the style we are achieving as we have light brown, medium brown, dark brown and white furniture. But, we used what we had and the crib was given to us by a friend. That sure helps on the cost of things!

Matt and I bought the glider last night using money that people have been giving us. The box wouldn't fit in my car though, so we had to stand out in the parking lot in the freezing cold, opening the box and putting all the separate parts in my car. It was pretty funny.

Today we also undertook the task of installing the car seat. To our dismay, the convertible car seat will not fit in my car in the rear facing position. Matt and I are too tall and have to have our seats back, and that didn't allow for the baby seat to recline to the proper position. So, well use it when it's time to face forward. So we went back to the store today and got a car seat with a base and installed it instead. My bags are packed for the hospital, so I guess all we need now is our baby!