Today was the big day...BATH DAY!!! After a good breakfast, Jeremy didn't know what to think about his new bathing experience. So what did he do? He had to think about it. Jeremy didn't cry ONE TIME. The trick to this new miraculous method of parenting perfection you ask?
(Mommy had to strike the Jeremy pose after it was all done)
How cute! Thanks for showing us pictures and video of Jeremy. We so badly want to be there to hold him, but Cali is too far away! Soon though!
Wow - there is resemblence :) Isn't he so much FUN!! Are you sleep deprived yet? Best advice - SLEEP when he does! It will catch up with ya - He's BEAUTIFUL!!!!! So perfect.....
TOO CUTE! What a joy it is to see the three of you (and the cats) even if it is only digitally. I wish we were there so we could give Jeremy snuggles and kisses and both of you some HUGS! I tried calling but missed you so we will try again later tonight.
Love from Texas!
Oooh ahh I hope you like blogger!
Matt and Misty,
Congratulations! Leslie and I are so excited for the two of you! It's so good to get an update on how things are going!
I notice that Young Jeremy has his daddy's haircut already :)
It's great to hear that things are going so good for you two.
Any new pictures for the aunt and uncle who live out on the left coast?
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