Saturday, December 06, 2008
Christmas Tree Hunting
At first he thought it would be good to get a Jeremy sized tree:
Jeremy telling daddy to grab the tree so we can get it home...
All in all...the PERFECT first Christmas Tree Hunting day. It then all ended in a big nap (for Jeremy that is).
Monday, November 17, 2008
Halloween 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
I can feed myself!
Jeremy is getting so independent. We been working on eating solids, but he is no fan of Mom putting a spoonful of goop into his mouth. However, if we give him the spoon, he sure has fun trying to get it there himself!
His favorite foods so far: Cheerios, Apples and Peas (the real stuff...not the pureed crap!)
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Who's TV Addiction
His morning TV favorites include: Doodlebops, Baby Einsteins, The Wiggles (yes...i didn't know there was going to be anything WORSE than Barney as far as kid shows go), and Mickey's Club House.
His afternoon shows...well...i have no idea as I am not here in the afternoons, but I fully assume that he is watching mommy's shows with her. For better or worse.
His evening TV, well...he LOVES American Idol. Outside of that, I don't think it matters. To go to bed, he loves watching TV with mommy which includes epic TV mini-series and the Food Network.
I really think he is going to be as bald as daddy as we all know that watching TV leads to male pattern baldness.
Our Texas Vacation Pics
Early Morning Bouncy
No, I didn't let him sleep out there. His legs were cold, so he got out and napped with daddy.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
The Mommy Game (the sequel)
This video has the now famous bouncy seat that Jeremy can't get enough of AND combined with mommy...Who has no option but to go crazy.
Jeremy is a fish
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Jeremy is rolling!
You will all be glad to our small group meeting on Monday, Jeremy hit a huge milestone. HE ROLLED OVER!!!
We are convinced that he did it to show off. Yup, he is a stud.
(Mommy and Daddy are proud)
(**of is still crazy to know that we ARE mommy and daddy**)
Here is mommy posing with her new bag and her favorite baby boy in the world.
Jeremy has good taste.
Seriously...the first thing that went into the purse? Diapers and wipes.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Favorite Parent Game
So...let's be honest. Jeremy knows who his mommy and daddy is. But ever since he was born, it has been obvious who he likes the most. While mommy is by and far Jeremy's favorite person/thing/place/etc that has ever existed, daddy likes to think that he is up there as well. The movie proves what that is all about.
I am going to go to my emotional safe house and crawl up in the fetal position for a while as I sob my emotional state back to a level of happiness.
Try not to smile at this clip. :)
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Park Day
So if this was a MYSPACE or EHARMONY, the following would say:
NAME: Jeremy Hartke
AGE: >1 year (but mommy is older than age doesn't matter)
INTERESTS: Mommy, Milka (mommy's only), hearing my own voice, Mommy, my sunglasses, Mommy, and Daddy in that order.
HOBBIES: Milka, Mommy, walks in the park, and "urping on myself and mommy as we walk in the park and I pick up chicks".
We spent the afternoon having a family walk in the park. All the ladies in the park couldn't stop talking about how cute he is. To end the day...
Jeremy was out.
He had a tough day, and an early night.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Snowball loves Jeremy
The funny thing about Snowball is, LATELY whenever Jeremy cries, she has to come and see what is going on. I was looking through the different videos I found this one. She has now adopted Jeremy and wants him to know that she is there for him. When he cries, she will lick his face to tell him it is ok. When she sees something of his, she will make sure that she rubs on it to let him know she is there when he needs it.
As long as she doesn't try to feed him...we are ok!
(and don't try to pet her when she is rolling on Jeremy's blanket)
Jeremy makes his first political statement
So, officially yesterday Jeremy was able to make his first political statement by joining the party of BALD IS BEAUTIFUL. Yup...I have told him since he was born that chicks dig the bald guys. With the Hartke family hairline, I am proud as a father that he has embraced his future.
Rock on Jeremy...rock on.
Jeremy says HI!
So, HEY from all of us!
Saturday, March 08, 2008
NINJA JEREMY! has been a while and I (Matt) have been catching flak for not updating this. Sorry...things have been busy. BUT you will be happy to know that Jeremy's favorite thing to do in daddy time is to play Ninja Jeremy. It is fast becoming a requested game by those students in the Youth Ministry as Jeremy displays mad punching power as well as a ridiculous amount of stealth as he can sneak in through unlimited cuteness to attack his prey without being seen as a threat. He is already a champion as you can see by his gloves. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
He's too cute not to share!
After much anticipation and the plethora of questions about when Jeremy will make his public debute in cold Indiana, the date has been set! Jeremy will be baptized on February 10th after the 10:45 service (and Grandpa can do it!). The countdown is on...and now it is time for a diaper change.
Much love!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Today was the big day...BATH DAY!!! After a good breakfast, Jeremy didn't know what to think about his new bathing experience. So what did he do? He had to think about it. Jeremy didn't cry ONE TIME. The trick to this new miraculous method of parenting perfection you ask?
(Mommy had to strike the Jeremy pose after it was all done)
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Thumb sucking and the first night...
Not real sure what to make of this...but, apparently Jeremy is part of the whole NEW AGE thumb sucking techniques. I (Matt) have learned that I am old. Where are the days of the "ball up your fist and stick the thumb in your mouth" method gone? Apparently, I have a lot to catch on to.
First at home night in the books. Was restless for the first half of the night. He didn't want to sleep in the cradle, so Misty took him to the family room where he slept on mommy for a couple hours. When Matt WOKE UP (fell asleep at the first feeding) and took Jeremy to the family room, he went to sleep for about 4 hours (after screaming for the first 30 minutes...but that was a test of will. Jeremy is already playing games with my emotions).
So...any advice out there on what Matt is supposed to do other than falling asleep on Misty as she feeds Jeremy? Problem is, after i fall asleep...i don't hear Jeremy scream for a couple hours unless I am holding him. Any dad (or CONSTRUCTIVE *aka* "not make fun of Matt because he snores"...chick) advice out there? Hook a brother up...
(Jeremy is still ridiculously cute)
Homecoming and siblings
We FINALLY were sent home on Wednesday (at about 4:30 in the PM). After much anticipation, Jeremy was introduced to his brother and sister. Tiger was curious, but not curious enough to care(still doesn't). Snowball...well...she wasn't all that excited about the whole screaming, attention grabbing, bundle of something smaller than her. She wasn't impressed.
Later on, Matt was able to hold Jeremy for a while. When Snowball saw this, she made her statement as to WHO was daddy's favorite. I haven't had the chance to talk to her that conversation will have to wait with Snowball.
(Snowball says hi Alli)
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

M&M (+J)
Thursday, January 10, 2008
38 Weeks!
Friday, January 04, 2008
37 Week Belly Shot
Nursery Pictures
The nursery is complete! Here are some pictures I took to share. As you can see...Winnie the Pooh is the theme.
I'm not sure of the style we are achieving as we have light brown, medium brown, dark brown and white furniture. But, we used what we had and the crib was given to us by a friend. That sure helps on the cost of things!
Matt and I bought the glider last night using money that people have been giving us. The box wouldn't fit in my car though, so we had to stand out in the parking lot in the freezing cold, opening the box and putting all the separate parts in my car. It was pretty funny.
Today we also undertook the task of installing the car seat. To our dismay, the convertible car seat will not fit in my car in the rear facing position. Matt and I are too tall and have to have our seats back, and that didn't allow for the baby seat to recline to the proper position. So, well use it when it's time to face forward. So we went back to the store today and got a car seat with a base and installed it instead. My bags are packed for the hospital, so I guess all we need now is our baby!