Well, here it is. After praying so hard for so long, our prayers have been answered. We are still in SHOCK! I never thought that our first IUI would work. But, as you can see, it did!
The Doctor told us we could test on May 17th, but, I was going to hold out a little longer. I cracked, and POAS (that's Peed On A Stick) and thought I saw a faint line, so I decided I better try a different test. It was DEFINATELY a nice pink line. So, of course, we just had to have MORE proof, so we took the pretty digital that you see here. And, expected it to say, "not pregnant". When we turned it over and looked, we were just in shock and awe. WE are finally pregnant.
Now, going through the infertility journey we have, I know alot can go wrong. I pray so hard that this baby (or babies) stick and grow big and strong. Thank you God for answering our prayers!