We just completed round 3 of IUI's. We have not told many people about our attempts, just a very select few, and of course, those of you who actually do read my blog.
We took a pregnancy test at 4 weeks, and as I suspected, it was negative. We were dissappointed, but, okay with that. However, a week later, I still hadn't gotten that dreaded monthly visitor, affectionately known as Flo. So, without Matt knowing, I took another test. That test was inconclusive, because if you held it in just the right light, and squinted, you could see a very faint line. That's what I get for buying the CHEAPEST tests I could find. So, I went in for the blood test, and got a Digital test on the way home. The digital report was : YES+
OH, I was so excited! Now I get to surprise Matt! We get to surprise our family for Christmas! I texted Matt the cutest picture of Jeremy holding an "I'm a Big Brother" sign. We plotted how we were going to have our parents open a gift with an ultrasound picture (yes, one bonus to infertility is the slew of early ultrasounds).
Then the nurse called. The blood work wasn't good. MY HCG (pregnancy hormone) was very low for 5 weeks, and I should prepare myself for miscarriage. Four hours of extremely happy to a crash. Two days later, I officially miscarried.

Did I mention how much I HATE infertility?