Saturday, August 30, 2008

This will make you ROFL

nuff said...

Who's TV Addiction

One of Who's many favorite things to do NOW INCLUDES...watching TV.

His morning TV favorites include: Doodlebops, Baby Einsteins, The Wiggles (yes...i didn't know there was going to be anything WORSE than Barney as far as kid shows go), and Mickey's Club House.

His afternoon shows...well...i have no idea as I am not here in the afternoons, but I fully assume that he is watching mommy's shows with her. For better or worse.

His evening TV, well...he LOVES American Idol. Outside of that, I don't think it matters. To go to bed, he loves watching TV with mommy which includes epic TV mini-series and the Food Network.

I really think he is going to be as bald as daddy as we all know that watching TV leads to male pattern baldness.

Our Texas Vacation Pics

Mommy and Linda

Juju and Who

The Texas Zoo Family Pic

Tell me you wouldn't post this picture...

Daddy and Who

We went down to see our family (yes, we consider them family) in Texas at the end of July. Here are some of our pictures...and Jeremy's favorite place, the pool.

Early Morning Bouncy

Jeremy has had some issues with waking up EARLIER than normal this week. On this day, he wanted to get into his bouncy seat and wore himself out.

No, I didn't let him sleep out there. His legs were cold, so he got out and napped with daddy.